Henrik Vibskov
Autumn 2021
Lillehammer kunstmuseum, Norway
building, electronics & programmingMicro:bit
Another collaboration with the danish artist Henrik Vibskov.
This interactive installation was made for Henrik Vibskov's restrospective "(Please!) Cleanup Honey!" from 20 November 2021 to 27 March 2022 at Lillehammer kunstmuseum.
Lillehammer kunstmuseum is a magnificent building in the middle of the small norwegian town surrounded by mountains.
The initial brief was to build 70 autonomous obstacle avoidance robots wearing skirts wandering around on shelves.
Those robots will be dispatched on 8 huge metal shelves with 3 levels
The robots had to be powered without batteries for maintenance purpose and to be equipped with proximity sensors to be able to avoid their neighbours.
After 3 months trying to find a cheap suitable solution with raspberry pi pico and divers components of 2 wheel drives kit with L298 H bridge drivers for motor control, I eventually found the Joycar 2 wheel drive kit from Germany, which came with a micro:Bit card slot and multiple sensors such as distance sensor, infrared sensors, line detection sensors, DC geared motors and H bridge driver.
The biggest challenge for this project was to find a system to power the robots without using batteries. I finally opted for a solution with 2 aluminium plates on each shelf and little springs making a contact with the plates to lead the power to the robots, that solution proved to be bad in the end because some aluminium particles were ground by the little springs in charge of the electrical contacts and got stuck in the ball bearings.